How Does a Homeopath Differ From an Allopath (Conventional M.D.)?
The allopath views diseases as localizing in various organs and systems, and uses specific drugs to suppress those diseases. The homeopath, while not unconcerned with the localizing pathology, believes the core problem lies in what some call the central disturbance. The central disturbance is a mind-body disorder. In turn it has been caused by the disordered Vital Force, that energy which governs all the body’s systems and all the billions of biochemical reactions. Correct the Vital Force and the central disturbance will diminish, and the organism will begin to heal.
The allopath, being system oriented, sees high blood pressure as related to the renovascular system, colitis to the gastrointestinal system, arthritis to the joints, and so on. So the allopath selects an organ-specific or system-specific drug to suppress the annoying symptoms. He virtually never makes a connection between the patient’s mental state and the pathology.
The homeopath invariably does. The homeopath cringes at the very idea of suppression. Always his therapy is directed toward building up the immune (and other) systems, never in suppressing them.
Because the allopath is organ and system oriented he often prescribes more than one medicine, one for each organ or system affected. The patient with arthritis, high blood pressure, insomnia and anxiety could easily be given aspirin or ibuprofen for the arthritis, a diuretic and antihypertensive for the blood pressure, a barbiturate to sleep and a tranquilizer for anxiety – a total of five drugs for four problems.
The classical homeopath, on the other hand, would treat the same patient with only one medicine at a time intending to stimulate the body’s own natural defenses (immune system, nervous system, endocrine system, etc.) to overcome all of the patient’s problems at the same time.