Healing Fractures With Homeopathy
Usually fractures of the bone heal; sometimes they do not. It is when they do not that homeopathy can often help.
In June, 2008, a 60 year old woman whom I had treated over the years called saying she had suffered a fracture of the right tibia (shin bone) after falling and landing on the right knee.
An MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) confirmed the fracture.
She was having sharp pains in the right knee that were shooting back and forth. They were worse when she lay down. Also, the knee felt very hot and there was pulsating pain.
After researching the homeopathic literature I found that Belladonna can have this sharp, back and forth, transverse pain. It can also be worse lying. Belladonna is well-known for causing heat and throbbing in the affected part.
She started taking Belladonna whenever as needed. After a week, the pain was much less and she could bend and extend the leg much further. By the end of July the knee pain had gone but the fracture, as determined by the orthopedic doctor, was not healing. She was very upset as he was recommending surgery.
I retook her case and decided that homeopathic calcium known as Calcarea carbonica matched her symptoms. She was given a single, highly diluted dose. In mid-August the surgeon said the fracture was healing and by mid-October it had healed completely! Surgery avoided!
Though the Belladonna had removed the pain, it had not touched the stubborn fracture. Only Calcarea carbonica was able to cause the fracture to knit together.
However, I wish to emphasize that Calcarea carbonica will not heal all fractures. It is one of a number of medicines that can do so. Everything depends on the bigger picture—the rest of the story.
In virtually all injuries whether it be burns, sprains, fractures, torn ligaments or loss of consciousness homeopathy can play a vital, sometimes lifesaving role.